Fatherlove - Keeping Fathers Connected

2001 Father of the Year Essay Contest
School: Cedar Park Christian Elementary
Teacher: Miss Shakindra Hislop
City: Bothell

What does my father mean to me?

My father means love to me.

When I was small, I used to call him Honey Daddy because Mommy called him Honey and he is my Daddy, so I called him Honey Daddy. He is a nice father because he loves me so much he expects me to be good in school, not to be lazy, to obey my teacher, to be responsible and loving to everyone. He loves me because he helps me with my homework, reading and anything I need help with.

My Daddy keeps me safe too! If anyone were to hurt me, my Daddy would help. He’s a strong man because he exercises a lot. He works hard to support us because he loves us a lot.

My Daddy means kindness, sweetness, love and happyness. He is very playful with me even when he has worked long hours and he is very tired. He plays dolls with me and acts silly.

There are kids in Africa who are very hungry, but my dad works very hard to always have food on our table.

My Daddy tells me to be a good person and to try to live like Jesus did. I try my best, but sometimes it’s hard. I have to keep trying. Some fathers won’t take the time to teach their kids so much like my Daddy.

So what my Daddy means to me is love, sweetness, happiness, kindness, playful, honorable, strong, religious, a friend and a very, very special man who loves sports, life, Mommy and me,

I love my Daddy.